DSP, which is the abbreviation of Digital Signal Processor in English, is a microprocessor that can provide real-time processing of signals. A general home computer is also equipped with such a microprocessor, which operates by using data stored in a memory, and in this respect it is quite suitable for clearing checks or in electronic games.
Digital signal processing algorithms often require extensive mathematical operations that are performed quickly and repeatedly over a series of data samples. Signals (perhaps from audio or video sensors) are constantly converted from analog to digital, processed digitally, and then converted back to analog. Many DSP applications are latency bound, which means that DSP operations must complete at specific times in the system, and latency (or batching) is not possible.
Most general-purpose microprocessors and operating systems can successfully implement DSP algorithms, but they are not suitable for portable devices such as mobile phones and PDAs due to energy efficiency constraints. This performance improvement has led to the introduction of digital signal processing in hundreds of thousands of satellite analog filters, switches, frequency converters, and more. This is necessary to receive and process the artificial signal of the connection and prepare it for the downlink connection, and can replace the huge advantage of professional DSP and satellite scaling. Energy consumption, building complexity/cost, reliability and operational flexibility.
Regarding the structure of the digital signal processor, it is completely optimized for digital signal processing.
After decades of development, digital signal processors have been widely used in electrical control, communications, signal processing, biomedicine and pharmaceuticals. The rapid development of computer technology, especially the huge demand in today’s networked and digital information market, has promoted the digital signal processor to become the core of the digital revolution. Its unique digital signal processing advantages will be more widely used.